
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Salvation Sunday: Come One and All!

We have the Fisher Price Little People Christmas Story Nativity Scene Playset. Since we got it out of the box this year, it has only stayed on its designated shelf for a few minutes before making its way across the living room floor from all the play. In fact, we have set it up many times placing Joseph and Mary in the stable, lining up the wise men (who carry balls), putting the animals near the hay, and hooking the donkey to the chariot-like cart with its load of bananas (Judah wants to eat them). Usually we put the center of the scene, baby Jesus, in the stable on Christmas morning, unwrapping the figurine along with another present representing the real gift of Christmas.

One day we even got out all the other people from our Fisher Price sets and lined them up around the manager scene. We had the bus driver, that Judah has named "Papa," the little girl in the wheel chair, the African-American school-aged boy riding his bike, the sailor, and the farmer with his tractor. I did not realize we had that many people. Then it struck me.

The very purpose of the manger scene is for all people, everyone is welcome to come.

John 3:16 reminds us with, "For God so LOVED the WORLD, that whosoever believes on Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." This includes the bus driver barely making ends meet, the handicapped little girl who may be sad and depressed, the little school-aged boy struggling with his studies, the sailor who encounters life's natural disasters, and the farmer who is simply trying to provide for his family. All are welcome to come.

The clincher is we have to come. "For whosoever believes will have everlasting life." The manager scene with baby Jesus as Lord and Savior has already been provided and is still free and available to access. No sin, problem, or past is too big or difficult to block the path to the manger. We just have to come and worship the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

If you have not already, I invite you to join our family at the manger scene this year. At our house we will be celebrating Jesus coming to earth and making God available to us. You are welcome too.

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