What a lesson we sent last night. A clean house is a happy house. Whether the house is your own home, the House in D.C. or as in our state, Iowa's own Terrace Hill.
Iowans like so many other states across this great country do not tolerate corruption. Iowans don't like a select few of people telling them what to believe. And Iowans sent that message last night. Governor Chet Culver and his machine were voted out.
Conservative power has been restored to not only the Iowa House, but the House in D.C. We have cleaned house.
While Iowans DID re-elect all of their Congressional Incumbents, they voted NO for Judge Retentions. This is a historic vote here in Iowa since all three tried to redefine marriage. ALL THREE Judges up for retention were fired by Iowans. Yes, fired. Iowans don't like being told what to believe. Iowans want "the vote" on marriage. We were denied it, so we took matters into our own hands. Iowans believe there are consequences for actions...or lack of action.
Our Governor Chet Culver's administration has been nothing but a giant fail. Corruption upon a scandal upon a failed set of policies and values. Iowans also sent a message to the Secretary of State office as well. ID's MUST be shown to vote. It's too easy for voter corruption. Enough is enough. I am sure the same message is true for your local officials and statehouse.
Our children will (hopefully) learn in Government or Civics class about the "Great Wave of 2010." When the Conservatives took their Country back. When Americans wouldn't tolerate outside forces buying elections. When corruption was tossed out the door. The days of Government take overs and bail outs are over.
As Thomas Jefferson said, " I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." Honest work is something we want to instill in our children. Corruption never wins. Cheaters always get caught. Honest, hard work is the only way to go. Keep your values, keep working, keep trying. Keep cleaning! Eventually victory will be yours.
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