Every kid needs a set of wheels from strollers, tricycles, training wheels, and mountain bikes. And it is important to have a good set of wheels with the right equipment when going along with the family for a ride. This way the whole family can enjoy recreational time together on Saturdays. Even though the outdoor recreational season is nearly finished, you can still think about ideas for Christmas.
It is more difficult to do these kind of recreational activities though when the kids are younger. However, the fresh air and exercise are that much more important after being at home all week long. And the family time is in invaluable, encouraging family recreation and teaching the value of health and fitness at the same time.
Our neighbors are avid joggers, often doing marathons and such. And we like to bike for fun. Both you need to have a safe set of wheels for your young child to ride along. Our neighbors just purchased a Bob stroller for their many jogs. And last Christmas, we received an In Step bike trailer from Grandma and Grandpa as our family gift for riding along the nearby bike trails. Both are worth the investment to enjoy outdoor activities. So from mom to mom, I recommend these wheels to continue enjoying your Saturday rides.
This year, we are ready to graduate to a tricycle. Maybe for Christmas! In the meantime, Happy Riding!
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