
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Salvation Sunday: The Rebekah Principal.

Have you ever taken an old puzzle out of the box and put it together only to find a few pieces missing? How frustrating it can be when we do not see the whole picture, maybe even a master piece or perhaps a picture of scenery. The picture seems distorted when you have blank spots left. You search and search for the missing pieces, trying to find them and finish the puzzle.

The puzzle is like your life. God sees the whole picture of our life; we can only see bits and pieces at a time. The picture is incomplete without all the pieces but once the puzzle is completed, it is the picture of a beautiful scene. Similarly, a painter or creator understands the picture's design from the very beginning. At the right timing, they will paint a stroke there or place a piece here making it fit better than we even imagined or dreamed. What is left is a diamond molded by the fire or a vase created by the potter at the potter's wheel.

In Genesis 24, we read about Rebekah meeting the servant of Abraham in his pursuit to find Isaac a husband. Clearly, Rebekah did not understand how the pieces of her life fit together. She could only see a piece at a time. How then did she have so much faith in leaving with the servant to marry Isaac?

Both Rebekah and the servant understood that faith meant God will provide a way, perhaps His time and circumstances, but it is still a way. The servant knew he was not alone as God sent His angel. The Bible talks about God preparing the way for us and never forsaking us. The servant also prayed, talking to God about the situation laying down his burdens before Him. Rebekah, herself, was motivated, willing, and available to step out in faith. The passage describes Rebekah running to draw the water. She did not just sit idly by waiting on the Lord. She even was thorough drawing water for the man and his animals, quite a large task, as we must be thorough in our Christian life, cultivating our relationship with the Lord and pressing on to maintain our Christian identity. The bottom line remains that both trusted God for His purpose and plan to fall into place, the right fit for the puzzle piece.

Think about the alternatives. What if the servant had not given this issue completely to the Lord? What would have happened if Rebekah was not willing to go? The pieces may have been there but not fitting the way the way they were supposed to. Perhaps the picture would not have been completed at the right time. Genesis 24 describes how the fruits of their faith turned into God's masterpiece for their lives. What a picture of well-being and good it was for Rebekah to marry Isaac and become the mother of Jacob. Both worshiped God for the results as we must do for God's ultimate design, no matter the outcome.

My favorite verse is, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. But in all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Will you follow Rebekah's example of trusting God?

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