
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wash Wednesday: Soapbox About Komen and Planned Parenthood

When news broke yesterday, you knew you'd hear from us, or at least me, on this subject.

Way to go Komen. I'm proud of you. In case you haven't heard, The Susan G Komen Foundation pulled its funding from Planned Parenthood. My thoughts? It's about time.

Last I checked, the Komen foundation was about saving women's lives, not killing them. And yes, I do know that Planned Parenthood does more than abortions. They handle contraceptives, they give breast screenings...but they also kill babies. How many women of my generation alone were not allowed the gift of life due to Planned Parenthood? I guess we'll never know.

Planned Parenthood claims Komen "succumbed to political pressure". Maybe they did. Or maybe they just saw they needed to do what was right.

What really irritates me is my liberal friends, who just a few months ago were decked out in pink and worked on raising money for the Komen walk, are now acting like the Komen foundation is the worst in the world. I've even seen this article floating around on friends lists on facebook. It talks about how the Komen foundation is going after other charities who use "for the cure" in their name. Except this particular article? Yeah, it's almost a year know, back when you were raising money for this foundation.

Here it is in its most simple form. Want your funding back? Stop Killing Babies. It's not hard. Continue to give women the healthcare you provide. Give them contraceptives. Give them breast exams. Stop killing babies.

Komen Foundation is looking for the cure. But the best cure is prevention, right? Did you know that having an abortion increases your risk of breast cancer?

1) Women under the age of 18 or over the age of 29 who obtained induced abortions have more than a twofold increase in risk.

2) Women with a family history of breast cancer who procured an abortion were found to have statistically significant risk increases of 80 percent.

3) Teenagers with a family history of the disease who procured abortions before the age of 18 were found to have incalculably high risk. [Daling et al. (1994) J Natl Cancer Inst 86:505-14.] Source

So if the Susan G Komen Foundation wants to stop funding a group who performs abortions, it's their right.

Liberals, don't act like Komen is all bad now. Don't act like the ONLY thing Planned Parenthood does is breast exams. Your just mad that Planned Parenthood is going to have to do fewer abortions and/or find a way to work with the money they've got. It is, after all, the Komen foundations money, is it not? And as you yourself stated, when they were funding Planned Parenthood, "they can do what they want and fund who they want with their money". So why has that changed? It hasn't. You just don't get your way now.

Congrats to Komen, not for bowing to political pressure, but for doing the right thing.

Edit: I've been informed that abortions do not link to breast cancer. Okay, fine. However, there IS proof that breastfeeding decreases the risk of breast cancer. And it's kind of hard to breastfeed an aborted baby, no?

1 comment:


    Who told you there is no link between breast cancer and abortion??? Read the brochure that I linked to. Dr Joel Brind has been researching the link for years now.


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