We started out with small pumpkins for the boys, picked directly out of the pumpkin patch. Daddy brought out a little picnic table and Gigi provided spoons, bowls, and knives (please keep knives away from children though). Being a family effort, daddy started with cutting the tops off and the boys scooped out the seeds with their hands. Judah even had fun tasting the pumpkin. Messiness was at a minimum with bibs and working on the project outside. Finally, daddy finished carving the pumpkins, a traditional Halloween face for Jacob and a letter "J" for Judah. Once we were done, we picked up our tools, hosed down the table (and our hands), and took pictures in the leaves. Both boys enjoyed their first experience carving pumpkins and the rest of us enjoyed doing the family activity together (especially for a photo op).
Our pumpkin sits on the porch like so many in our neighborhood. On our daily walks around the neighborhood, Judah likes to point out the pumpkins. On one such excursion, I started noticing other peoples' designs and got to thinking of the different ways you could decorate a pumpkin. One neighbor had painted their names and put polk-a-dots all over their pumpkins. Another decorated their gourds into animals like turkeys with leaves being the feathers. Still another nearby finger-painted their pumpkins (totally safe for young kids) with pipe cleaners sticking out of them. And everyone else had the plain pumpkins sitting next to their pots of mums and scarecrows.
Just because the traditional way to decorate a pumpkin is carving does not mean you have to do it that way. So for our project this week, I encourage you to get out your paints and glue, put on your thinking cap, and set aside some family time to decorate pumpkins. I would love to hear and see what you come up with!
Happy Carving!
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