One thing working in politics that used to just bug me was when I heard voters complain about our current events or government. A few minutes later, I realized they did not even vote at all. I wanted to point out that they said their piece by not voting. So in other words, quit your complaining; I do not want to hear it.
This Sunday, as we are in the midst of the final 72 hours of this midterm campaign season, I want to remind you to vote on Tuesday, November 2. Perhaps you will be voting for Governor, the retention of judges, or vote for your state legislature. I even encourage you to do some research on the candidates this Sunday afternoon so that you can vote your values. Make sure you really know what you are voting.
Our church has been doing a lesson on voting called "Politicked." If you are ticked at politicians no matter the party or of the state of affairs of the United States, then take some time to watch or listen to this little miniseries on what you can do. The bottom line as Christians is to align our votes with those candidates of similar values. Even more so, our duty as Christians is to vote, period.
If you need help finding your polling location, please take a few minutes to call your local, county auditor or visit their site online. On a side note, quite to contrary belief that your vote does not matter, who you vote for will impact not only policy the next few years but how your state redistricts for future representation. I wish you Happy Voting and Happy Results.
I would extend your argument that it's our duty as citizens, no matter what religion we adhere to, to make an informed vote, and vote for candidates that best represent our values.