
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wash Wednesday: The Crayon Stains on the Wall

You love your kids, you do. Most days. But if you have a kid who likes crayons, and coloring...on anything...your stress levels increase. A LOT.

I recently wrote an article on tried and true methods on how to get crayon stains off of a wall and thought that knowledge would be great to post here.

Your child thinks he's Rembrandt. And as a parent, you're expected to encourage their interest in art. But what do you do when the little artist colors on the walls? Rather than repainting, here are a few simple tips might save your sanity and pocketbook.
  1. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works very well on crayons. Simply wet the "sponge", scrub and let dry. Be sure to keep the magic eraser away from pets and children.
  2. Shaving cream also works. Apply the cream to the crayon marks, rub in and then wipe off.
  3. Most homes have WD-40 in the garage or shed. A very small spray on the crayon marks and a simple wipe off will take care of the marks. Be sure to wash the wall with soapy water after removing the crayon marks to remove the grease from the spray.
  4. Crest Toothpaste works to remove the marks, however, you need to use the paste, not the gel. Rub the paste onto the wall using your fingers and the crayon marks should come right off. After, wash the wall with water.
  5. Baking soda and warm water mixed into a paste and applied to the crayon stains on the wall should work as well. Gently apply the past to the wall and scrub the marks off.
  6. Non-stick cooking spray also works. Just spray on and wipe off.
  7. Science has helped us as they now make a kids paint that allows you to wipe off crayon marks easily. If you have small children or think you might in the future, it would behoove you to purchase this paint...just consider it a crayon insurance plan.
Good luck with Rembrandt. Be sure to take a picture of the masterpiece before washing it off. That way you'll have proof for them, when they come crying to you about what their "little blessing" has done to their walls, that they did the same exact thing.

1 comment:

  1. Now what do you do with nail polish? all over a toilet...cause it looks like a big toe!


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