Salvation Sunday: Vote Your Values--Catholics Need To Vote For Mullen in Senate District 22
Fellow Catholics. There's only ONE choice for us in the Senate District 22 race. That choice is Jeff Mullen.
I was raised a Democrat in a small farming community in West Central
Iowa. My parents were raised in very devout Catholic homes. The Kennedy
family was viewed as role models (why, I'm not quite sure), but JFK was
the first Catholic President. My mom and dad both talk about how the
Nuns (Catholic school) came into the classrooms crying to inform the
students about his assassination.
My brother and I were raised
in a devout Catholic home as well. Mom was in the Ladies Guild, Dad
sang in the Choir and quite often served as Lector. We practically had
to have a sick note from the Pope to miss Mass on Sunday. But when I got
to voting age, I was troubled. I had always been a "Democrat", and
registered as such when I turned 18, but I had trouble with the issue of
As a Catholic, I always believed that life begins at
conception. Abortion was just wrong. The Bible tells us "Thou shall not
kill", and believing that life begins at conception, that would be
murder, right? Having looked closer at the two parties, I eventually
switched my party affiliation to Republican while in College. After
graduation, I worked for Republicans and even rose through the ranks of
the Polk County GOP to be elected Co-Chair at the ripe old age of 25.
In November, my husband, 3 boys ages 6, 3 and 1 and I moved to Waukee.
The Senate District 22 race was in my home district and I took an
interest in it, after all, I had a bit of a history in the race. Back in
2004, I had helped Pat Ward in her special election to get her elected
to the Iowa Senate. I was excited to see what I thought was a strong,
Conservative woman in the Iowa Senate and I hoped she would show the Ol'
Boys Club that us girls could run along with the big boys. I was,
however, disappointed in her performance. She didn't turn out to be the
leader I thought she could be. I thought she'd be the one to stand up
against Gronstal. The one who would stand up for ALL women's rights,
those with AND who had yet to obtain a birth certificate.
Friday, Jeff Mullen was considered a "candidate we find sufficiently
meet our judgment criteria reflecting ability, sincerity and
responsiveness in support of our Pro-Life legislative priorities" from
the Iowa Right to Life. I've had a few sit down meetings with Candidate
Mullen and I believe that he will be the candidate who protects life.
I urge Catholics residing in Senate District 22 to take a good look at
this issue. As a Catholic, it is a core belief of ours to protect life.
Candidate Mullen will do so. In my opinion, Pat Ward has failed at this
issue. We as Catholics have the responsibility to stand up for life. We
have the responsibility to vote for those who will protect life.
On Tuesday, I'll be voting for Jeff Mullen (
), not just for me, but for all of my boys, including my son who is due
in August. Candidate Mullen will be a great voice for all of Senate
District 22, including those who are not yet born.

*Note: This blog post was originally published on the Waukee Patch but has since vanished on their website.
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