Oh my goodness, the garbage can. I'm not talking about the one in the house, but the one that sits in the garage. It STINKS and it's starting to make the whole garage stink. I have a feeling it's only going to get worse as the temperature goes up.
When our inside can starts to smell, we wash it out in the shower, let it dry and throw a used (but still smelly) dryer sheet in the bottom. It seems to help. But what do you do with the outside can??
After the garbage man comes on Friday, I plan on trying the same method with the inside can (but with a garden hose outside). And let it air dry Friday afternoon. Do you think it will work?
What do you do to help the stinky garbage can problem? Any tips you want to share with other readers? Please leave them in the comments. Together we can fight stinky garbage cans everywhere!!!
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