
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wash Wednesday: Let Me Wash that Outfit!

Judah is in that stage where he dresses himself. And he takes after his dad....plaid shorts with print color shirt! But we can work on his fashion sense over time. I am just glad he is finally starting to pick out his own clothes and even put them on himself except for a little help with the sleeves or untwisting the bottoms. I even want to get him his own hook to learn to hang up his clothes to wear again.

What we really need to work on though is getting the clothes off to wash them. Every kid has that one outfit that they want to wear day after day over and over. Well ours right now happens to be of all things a pair of "Buzz, Buzz, Lightyear" $1.00 consignment pajamas tops and shorts.

Our next favorite is Judah's John Deere shirt and socks. As you can see in the picture he combined his two favorite outfits. Even so on Easter Judah had to wear his blue water shoes with his black suit and pink tie. Each time this happen it creates quite a stir and a memory (for the pictures).

So what do you do? You tell them you have to wash them because they wore them yesterday and then slept in them overnight. Then you tell them you have to wash them because they spilled lunch on them and they got muddy from playing outside.

Either way it is a battle. But I did manage to get them off this morning on the condition that I would wash them about you?


  1. Michelle on Facebook said:I have the exact opposite problem. My children dress and redress themselves about 5 times a day- no exaggeration. They decide to be bears and put on all brown, then they are ninjas and put on all black, and so on. I love the creativity and fun they have so I don't stop them. However, clothes that were worn for 1/2 hour really don't need to end up in the laundry (well...sometimes...)!

  2. Lindsay on Facebook said: Lol! So far letting Soleil choose her PJs has given her enough of an outlet, and she still lets me choose her daily outfits. *knock on wood!*


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