
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TIp Tuesday: No Expectations!

Yes, we are still here just in case you were wondering. Baby time turned into a 3 month sabbatical from the blog. Kristyna (Krissy) Jane was born March 14 and we have been adjusting ever since as we make her a part of our family.

Some of these adjustments are to be expected...The late night feedings. Nursing tanks and in between comfortable elastic clothes (because nothing else fits). Blow out diapers. Naps. Eating and going to the bathroom in a hurry. A crying baby. Hormone changes. Somehow I thought it would seem easier this time because I knew what to expect and what to do with a baby.

As I experience motherhood for the second time though some preconceived notions were thrown out of the window right away and I had to adjust in ways I did not even imagine. I thought I could settle back into routine with just adding one more person.

Little did I know that I would grieve and cry over spending one-on-one time with my firstborn. And then I would cry over not having alone time to get to know baby number two. On one hand I would cry for some sleep as I realized I could not sleep with baby since child number one was finally awake for the day with loads of energy to unload. And on the other hand, I would cry when child number one would turn into a little terror that would stomp and pull baby number two or melt into previously unknown temper tantrums. Even the hormone changes caught me off guard with sweaty arm pits and heat flashes. I guess I had a lot to work through.

The bottom line advice this second time around on what I have learned....have NO EXPECTATIONS as it will all come with time!

Worrying about a dirty house, still being in your pajamas, and trying to care for two crying kids can get the best of you if you had plans you wanted to complete and a routine you needed to keep. Enjoying and focusing on yourself and your family is the key. When you do get a load of laundry done or make supper or have a peaceful nap time you can relish in accomplishing something instead of what you did not get done.

So hopefully we are back as we settle into a new routine. Back for some advice from you more experienced moms. Back to offer you new moms a recess reprieve. And back for some laughs and tips as we go through motherhood together!

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