
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tip Tuesday: Kids Need Plenty of Water...and Here's How!!

With all this heat, here is a friendly reminder to drink lots of water....not pop, beer, but WATER! Especially our little ones!

When I was little I remember my family taking my dad to the emergency for heatstroke after a softball tournament on a particular hot weekend in July. He had gotten too hot and dehydrated that day with 90+ temperatures and humidity. Ever since that day he does not handle the heat very.

I was reminded of this when Judah got dehydrated this week especially after being out in the heat even the tiniest bit. Even indoors, we find ourselves drinking a lot of water due to the unbearable heat. So I have encouraged him to drink plenty of water every time I remembered. It was Judah who came up with the idea of keeping a cup within his reach to remind him.

One day Judah was trying to figure out how to stick his drinking cup to the fridge. He kept asking for some way to attach it to the fridge door on his level. With that idea in mind, I went upstairs to my sewing stuff and found some adhesive Velcro (which you can find at the fabric store or in a craft section at a department store). Together we stuck the scratchy pieces to the fridge door and its corresponding soft pairs to the cup.

Now Judah can access his cup at any time from where it sticks and step over to the other fridge door to get water. This system has saved time in asking for help as well as encouraged independence and ingenuity.

Please remember though to be careful with spilled water on a tile floor as it gets really slippery. Also keep an eye out for objects finding their way inside the cup (like dirty pennies). Be sure too to clean the cup every so often by running it through the dishwasher. And lastly, make sure your child is not dipping the cup into the cat water dish as he refills it.

Happy Hydrating!

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