
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wash Wednesday: Let Me Wash that Outfit!

Judah is in that stage where he dresses himself. And he takes after his dad....plaid shorts with print color shirt! But we can work on his fashion sense over time. I am just glad he is finally starting to pick out his own clothes and even put them on himself except for a little help with the sleeves or untwisting the bottoms. I even want to get him his own hook to learn to hang up his clothes to wear again.

What we really need to work on though is getting the clothes off to wash them. Every kid has that one outfit that they want to wear day after day over and over. Well ours right now happens to be of all things a pair of "Buzz, Buzz, Lightyear" $1.00 consignment pajamas tops and shorts.

Our next favorite is Judah's John Deere shirt and socks. As you can see in the picture he combined his two favorite outfits. Even so on Easter Judah had to wear his blue water shoes with his black suit and pink tie. Each time this happen it creates quite a stir and a memory (for the pictures).

So what do you do? You tell them you have to wash them because they wore them yesterday and then slept in them overnight. Then you tell them you have to wash them because they spilled lunch on them and they got muddy from playing outside.

Either way it is a battle. But I did manage to get them off this morning on the condition that I would wash them about you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

TIp Tuesday: No Expectations!

Yes, we are still here just in case you were wondering. Baby time turned into a 3 month sabbatical from the blog. Kristyna (Krissy) Jane was born March 14 and we have been adjusting ever since as we make her a part of our family.

Some of these adjustments are to be expected...The late night feedings. Nursing tanks and in between comfortable elastic clothes (because nothing else fits). Blow out diapers. Naps. Eating and going to the bathroom in a hurry. A crying baby. Hormone changes. Somehow I thought it would seem easier this time because I knew what to expect and what to do with a baby.

As I experience motherhood for the second time though some preconceived notions were thrown out of the window right away and I had to adjust in ways I did not even imagine. I thought I could settle back into routine with just adding one more person.

Little did I know that I would grieve and cry over spending one-on-one time with my firstborn. And then I would cry over not having alone time to get to know baby number two. On one hand I would cry for some sleep as I realized I could not sleep with baby since child number one was finally awake for the day with loads of energy to unload. And on the other hand, I would cry when child number one would turn into a little terror that would stomp and pull baby number two or melt into previously unknown temper tantrums. Even the hormone changes caught me off guard with sweaty arm pits and heat flashes. I guess I had a lot to work through.

The bottom line advice this second time around on what I have learned....have NO EXPECTATIONS as it will all come with time!

Worrying about a dirty house, still being in your pajamas, and trying to care for two crying kids can get the best of you if you had plans you wanted to complete and a routine you needed to keep. Enjoying and focusing on yourself and your family is the key. When you do get a load of laundry done or make supper or have a peaceful nap time you can relish in accomplishing something instead of what you did not get done.

So hopefully we are back as we settle into a new routine. Back for some advice from you more experienced moms. Back to offer you new moms a recess reprieve. And back for some laughs and tips as we go through motherhood together!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wash Wednesday: The Stinky Garbage Can

Oh my goodness, the garbage can. I'm not talking about the one in the house, but the one that sits in the garage. It STINKS and it's starting to make the whole garage stink. I have a feeling it's only going to get worse as the temperature goes up.

When our inside can starts to smell, we wash it out in the shower, let it dry and throw a used (but still smelly) dryer sheet in the bottom. It seems to help. But what do you do with the outside can??

After the garbage man comes on Friday, I plan on trying the same method with the inside can (but with a garden hose outside). And let it air dry Friday afternoon. Do you think it will work?

What do you do to help the stinky garbage can problem? Any tips you want to share with other readers? Please leave them in the comments. Together we can fight stinky garbage cans everywhere!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Salvation Sunday: Vote Your Values--Catholics Need To Vote For Mullen in Senate District 22

Fellow Catholics. There's only ONE choice for us in the Senate District 22 race. That choice is Jeff Mullen.

I was raised a Democrat in a small farming community in West Central Iowa. My parents were raised in very devout Catholic homes. The Kennedy family was viewed as role models (why, I'm not quite sure), but JFK was the first Catholic President. My mom and dad both talk about how the Nuns (Catholic school) came into the classrooms crying to inform the students about his assassination.

My brother and I were raised in a devout Catholic home as well. Mom was in the Ladies Guild, Dad sang in the Choir and quite often served as Lector. We practically had to have a sick note from the Pope to miss Mass on Sunday. But when I got to voting age, I was troubled. I had always been a "Democrat", and registered as such when I turned 18, but I had trouble with the issue of abortion.

As a Catholic, I always believed that life begins at conception. Abortion was just wrong. The Bible tells us "Thou shall not kill", and believing that life begins at conception, that would be murder, right? Having looked closer at the two parties, I eventually switched my party affiliation to Republican while in College. After graduation, I worked for Republicans and even rose through the ranks of the Polk County GOP to be elected Co-Chair at the ripe old age of 25.

In November, my husband, 3 boys ages 6, 3 and 1 and I moved to Waukee. The Senate District 22 race was in my home district and I took an interest in it, after all, I had a bit of a history in the race. Back in 2004, I had helped Pat Ward in her special election to get her elected to the Iowa Senate. I was excited to see what I thought was a strong, Conservative woman in the Iowa Senate and I hoped she would show the Ol' Boys Club that us girls could run along with the big boys. I was, however, disappointed in her performance. She didn't turn out to be the leader I thought she could be. I thought she'd be the one to stand up against Gronstal. The one who would stand up for ALL women's rights, those with AND who had yet to obtain a birth certificate.

On Friday, Jeff Mullen was considered a "candidate we find sufficiently meet our judgment criteria reflecting ability, sincerity and responsiveness in support of our Pro-Life legislative priorities" from the Iowa Right to Life. I've had a few sit down meetings with Candidate Mullen and I believe that he will be the candidate who protects life.

I urge Catholics residing in Senate District 22 to take a good look at this issue. As a Catholic, it is a core belief of ours to protect life. Candidate Mullen will do so. In my opinion, Pat Ward has failed at this issue. We as Catholics have the responsibility to stand up for life. We have the responsibility to vote for those who will protect life.

On Tuesday, I'll be voting for Jeff Mullen ( ), not just for me, but for all of my boys, including my son who is due in August. Candidate Mullen will be a great voice for all of Senate District 22, including those who are not yet born. 
*Note: This blog post was originally published on the Waukee Patch but has since vanished on their website. 
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